Acupuncture Facelift & Facial Rejuvenation
Cosmetic Acupuncture is an excellent natural treatment that leaves skin looking youthful, glowing, and healthy. No botox or filler needed.
This procedure involves the placement of acupuncture needles and microneedling in the face and neck area. This method turns back time by triggering a self-repair response in the skin and decreasing internal stressors contributing to aging. Our cosmetic acupuncture treatments include the use of micro-currents and application of light LED therapy by Celluma(TM) device that has ability to increases smoothing of the wrinkles, healing of acne and scarring and improved collagen synthesis.
This non-invasive natural beauty approach brings back your youthful glow.
The facial rejuvenation process increases blood flow and activates collagen production, resulting in revitalized and nourished skin, a brighter complexion, and a more youthful appearance.